Click here 查询本校的实物馆藏或透过“登入您的帐户”连结管理您的帐户. Public patrons may request a login at the library’s main desk, library@sdkfzj.com or (503) 251-5322.
摩特诺玛的在读学生, 教师, 员工可使用摩特诺玛身份证免费借阅图书馆实物资源. Free reciprocal borrowing is available for current 学生, 教师, 和工作人员 at OPALL Consortium Libraries (布什内尔大学, 前大学, Mt. 天使艾比, and 西方的神学院, and 参与的阿特拉机构 当前的MU ID.
• Your MU ID card is your library card. Please have it with you when you check out any physical item.
客人临时登录工作站和MU Guest WiFi时需要带图片的ID. Please visit us at the front desk for access.
摩特诺玛大学尊重原创作品作者的权利,并期待管理, 教师, 学生, 和员工遵守美国法律.S. Copyright Law protecting such works. 为了符合版权的宗旨和我们为教会准备基督徒领袖的使命, 社区, 这个世界, 在摩特诺玛大学,受版权保护的材料是合法分发的,以支持学习和促进知识创造.
如果您是教师或学生,对如何在学术或教学中使用受版权保护的材料有疑问, 请参阅 Multnomah University Copyright Guide or the Atla Copyright and Fair Use Guide.
有关摩特诺玛大学使用版权材料的问题或投诉可发送至 copyright@sdkfzj.com.
图书馆接受符合特定标准的捐赠. 详情请咨询我们的 礼品册政策.
Overdue items accrue fines as follows: $0.25 per item per day for regular circulation items, 每个视频每天1美元, and $1 an hour for reserve materials. Please pay at the library front desk with cash, check, or card. For lost or irreparably damaged library resources, 图书馆用户需支付更换费用,外加15美元的处理费. 不支付罚款和费用可能导致失去借款特权
复印机/打印机位于图书馆的主楼层. Prints/Copies vary in price depending on paper size and color vs. black & white. 免费扫描也是可用的. 更多信息请到图书馆前台查询.
图书馆的资料只要没有过期,就可以续借, 没有hold住它, or has not reached its renewal limit. All users may renew by logging in to your library account here. To renew interlibrary loan items, please request a renewal via library@sdkfzj.com or (503) 251-5322.
大多数必需的教科书都可以在图书馆主服务台的预留架上找到. 请按标题要求. 借阅时间为两小时,可续借一次,除非另一位读者要求借阅. Reserve materials may leave the library unless otherwise noted. 允许在图书馆关门前30分钟过夜借阅.
Come find your favorite table, couch, or desk. Snacks and covered drinks are welcome!
Call: (503) 251-5322
Email: library@sdkfzj.com
米切尔图书馆位于 格里森街北8435号. 波特兰,OR 97220. The library is accessible by wheelchair via the west entrance.
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm
Please call for holiday and break hours
Browse here for the specific database you need for your research. Multnomah University login is required. 在一个平台上发现这些数字内容和图书馆的实体馆藏, 请使用上面的搜索框. 问题? 派我们的研究馆员来 email!
AAS Historical Periodicals Collection
学术, 全文 articles across the academic disciplines, with extensive coverage in biology, 化学, 刑事司法, 经济学, 环境科学, 历史, 市场营销, 政治科学, 和心理学.
期刊文章, 专著, theses, patents, 软件, 视听材料, 和来自美国的技术报告.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library.
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Full-text articles covering complementary, 整体, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
访问231,500, 同行评议的期刊文章,涵盖社会和行为科学, published by the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association, 以及其他出版商.
Discover citations and abstracts for journal articles, 书的章节, 和论文 in behavioral science and mental health.
Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials
Combines the premier index to journal articles, 书评, 和文集在所有领域的宗教与主要宗教和神学期刊的全文收集.
Full-text articles for more than 2,300 期刊 in all disciplines of business, 包括市场营销, 管理, MIS, POM, 会计, finance, 和经济学.
6,400+ titles covering all fields
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Full-text, physical articles from 72 期刊. Click ‘browse 期刊’ to view coverage.
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Health Source – Nursing/Academic Edition
Search 250 of the world’s most respected, scholarly law 期刊.
全文剧情总结, articles/essays of literary criticism, 作者传记, 文学期刊, 书评, classic and contemporary poems and short stories, 作者采访, 还有经典小说.
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Search authoritative biomedical 期刊 covering nursing, 牙科, 兽医, 医疗保健系统, 临床前科学, 和更多的.
Military and Government Collection
Definitive resource for the scholarly study of language, 文学, 语言学, 修辞与写作, 民间传说, 和电影, 跨越期刊文章, books, 书中的文章, series, 翻译, 学术版, 网站, 和论文.
Open Access Digital Theological Library
从出版商网站上查找宗教研究和相关学科的高质量内容, 机构库, 学术的社会, 档案, and stable public domain collections.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Gale)
不断更新的视点, 课题概述, 全文杂志, 学术期刊, news, 主要来源文件, 统计数据, images, videos, audio, 并链接到可靠的网站.
Search 213,000+ scholarly e-books in all major disciplines.
发现同行评议, original scientific research articles and reports, science and research news in the world’s leading, 普通科学期刊.
Access open access resources on theology and 宗教, 包括书籍, 期刊, 录音, 照片, 手稿, and other formats dating from 975 C.E. 直到现在.
访问在圣经,教牧和神学研究的电子书共享集合. 需要MU登录.
Covering the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History, this resource combines reference content with 全文杂志, 学术期刊, 新闻文章, 主要来源文件, images, videos, audio files 并链接到可靠的网站.
在校大学生, 教师, 工作人员可以对任何文章或书籍章节提出请求 μ搜索 by clicking the “Access options” button under the source needed. 对于整本书的请求或在我们的主要搜索之外发现的任何内容, 请将完整的引文发送至 library@sdkfzj.com. 请允许1-4天的文章交付和7-10天的实体书.
Note to Distance Students: At this time, 图书馆际互借只对波特兰地区的学生开放, 教师, 和工作人员. 如果你住在波特兰以外,需要书籍,请询问我们的远程借书选择 library@sdkfzj.com.
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